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Directory of Resources

Coaching - a website with a good selection of coaches   Click here

Graphology - courses to learn how to analyse writing   Click here

Graphology and health   Click Here

Graphology - general interest   Click Here

Graphology in business   Click here

Business training courses   Click Here

E-books and e-courses   Click Here



A website with a good selection of coaches. Each entry gives a link to the individual's own website plus a brief summary of specific areas in which each coach specialises.


Graphology - learn to analyse writing

British Institute of Graphologists - www.britishgraphology.org
The professional body for handwriting anlaysis in the UK. There is a directory of professional graphologists who state their areas of expertise along with their contact details. There is a good selection of books for sale on handwriting analysis.

Improve relationships with handwriting analysis - www.thegraphologycourse.com
This is a one page website offering a free 5 day e-course to give you a taster of how handwriting analysis can improve relationships. There is also the possibility to buy a step by step programme to learn how to analyse writing in 24 hours. You can use this new tool effectively in your relationships.

Discover what is involved in analysing handwriting
Courses, articles, books on graphology. Jacqui Tew's website offers a short course with step by step guidance for those who would like to learn how to analyse writing. You can see the details of what is covered on the website and there is also an extract from the course.

There is also an indepth course which is designed for those who want to train to become professional graphologists or for those with a deep interest in getting to the core of a personality through studying handwriting.

Jacqui Tew was a founding member of The British Institute of Graphologists and devised their 3 year professional training programme. She is one of the leading graphologists in the field.


Graphology and health

Insight into health through handwriting - www.internethealthlibrary.com/DietandLifestyle/Health%20Analysis_Graphology.htm
Researchers at the Institute of Health Studies, University of Plymouth in the UK examined the use of graphology in a health setting and found it offered valuable insights into people's characters adn levels of health.

Handwriting Analysis and health- www.reachouthyderabad.com/newsmaker/nm72.htm
Mr Ranadheer Kumar is the first Indian to have been awarded doctorate thesis on Handwriting and Health. His interest in graphotherapy started when he was 17 years old.


Graphology - general interest

General information on graphology - www.internethealthlibrary.com/DietandLifestyle/graphology.htm
This webpage gives a brief insight into the meaning of graphology, a little history, followed by what is needed to undertake an analysis and finally the article gives some uses for graphology.

Graphology Club - http://web.singnet.com.sg/~tjlow/graphology
An individual graphology enthusiast runs this website. It has an interesting Frequently Asked Questions section as well as a list of some graphological educational organisations.

Graphology Societies- www.wmin.ac.uk/marketingresearch/graphology/2162abbrevs.htm
Various different graphology organisations are listed along with the abbreviations they use. There are links to some websites as well.

Graphology Internet Clubs- www.wmin.ac.uk/marketingresearch/graphology/clubs.htm
This webpage is divided into 5 parts. The first is a choice of lists hosted at Yahoo. The second part gives a choice of lists hosted at Topica. The next listing is of dormant groups. The fourth part lists chat rooms in various languages and finally there is a list of other groups.

Handwriting analysis wizard - http://handwritingwizard.com/grapho/freehandwriting
Webpage with links to various aspects of handwriting


Graphology in business

Handwriting analysis in business - www.jacquitew.co.uk
Graphology is used in recruitment, team building, problem solving, motivation, stress management, retraining. This is Jacqui Tew's professional handwriting analysis website.

HR Solutions - www.hrsolutions.com.my/personalityprofiling.asp
This webpage names some American corporate users of graphology such as Citibank, Bank of America, CIA, FBI, Coca Cola, IBM, Xerox, General Electric, Harvard University and so on.


Business training courses

UK Training Index - www.underoak.co.uk
Short business courses run in the UK. This is a useful site if you are looking for a particular training. They have a selection of courses available along with the relevant details of when, where and who is best suited for each particular course.


E-books and e-courses

Ecourseweb.com - www.ecourseweb.com
Directory of ecourses and books. There are many free courses on offer in a whole variety of different areas. In the top righthand corner of the webpage there is a search box. To give you an example, type in the word graphology and then click the Search button. The result will bring up a free course in The Write Way to Relationships.